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2021 play set (article)

The upcoming play set is currently in the recording process with a list of songs from my new album and a few additions. Hours turning into days turning into weeks, it is a long solo process. Most of the new material will be included plus some past songs. I had planned to include a cover song, but then decided to do it apart from the set.

As the performance versions are uniquely assembled, backing parts are re-created so that I can add what I am able to play during recording. Each playing involves moving gear around, changing the set-up, and adjusting the lights/cameras in different ways. It almost never turns out exactly as I might imagine, and sometimes I will scrap hours of planning to try again another day. Then if I get past whatever technical problems arise, and the video gets taken, it is time to get it together into the editor. This is an opportunity to learn more about editing with new ways to fix things & different ways of achieving new effects. If I like the results, then I came proceed to the next piece. It really is amazing that I get anything done at all!

So with this new play set, I am taking an overview approach waiting until all is complete to render the entire list. The audio source can be re-edited any time to do minute adjustments, while also allowing for titles in the program to be switched around or seqways to be extended later. I may work on other projects concurrently, but those will be spread apart with most of the time taken for this one.

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